What is the problem?
OpenWRT reports significant events, such as DHCP address assignment, or SSH login in Syslog. Sometimes it’s required to log selected events - to an external syslog server. That’s where logread
comes handy.
Logread is a command which allows to display syslog in realtime, and even send it to an external server.
The example command is logread -f -e keyword -r 5514 -u
. In this example, -f
means that logread is following syslog in realtime, -e
that followed are only selected keyword
, -r
means remote server(, with port 5514), and -u
- UDP port.
Need to detect more keywords?
Then command that is needed is logread -f -e 'keyword1\|keyword2' -r 5514 -u
. Even though the lines of syslog are matched by regex, there is a need for a \
before |
- also called pipe escape.
What if we need to be started on boot?
Let’s create /etc/init.d/syslog-sender
, then create inside following content:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_service() {
procd_open_instance syslog_sender
procd_set_param command logread -f -e 'dropbear\|DHCPACK' -r 5514 -u
procd_set_param respawn ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-5} ${respawn_retry:-5}
After the file is created - enable it to be run at every boot - with command /etc/init.d/syslog-sender enable
In this easy way, the informations about DHCP leases, and SSH logins to router admin panel are logged inside the syslog server