What is Chisel?
Chisel is a lightweight tool that allows to tunnel TCP/UDP traffic over HTTP/Websocket protocol. It was described, along with it’s use case in another post.
Cross-compilation? Why?
My main use-case of Chisel is to allow my OpenWRT based routers to connect to my network infrastructure, even when router is behind the strict firewall that blocks 51820/UDP port, or performs Wireguard protocol detection, and blocks it. Vast majority of OpenWRT devices are using non-x86 architecture, in my case it was MIPS. That means, that every software - including Chisel - should be compiled for target architecture. Performing compilation for specific architecture on different one(for example x86_64) is called cross-compilation.
Cross-compilation of Golang software
Compiling for MIPS is simple, we have to define three Envrionmental variables prior to compilation command(run inside root directory of source code).
Compiled file size is 12.5MB, it’s a lot for embedded device, which has 4 to 8 MB of flash memory. Let’s try to optimize it.
Adding -s -w flags allowed to decrease binary size to 8.9MB, still a lot!
Binary package can also be compressed by upx.